
New? Start Here

Thank you for stopping by! When I happen to stumble upon a new blog, I wonder what I’m supposed to do next, besides just scroll through the most recent posts? I assume I am maybe not the only one who wonders this, so that is why I decided to add this little “Start Here” section…


I have put a lot of thought into what I want this new year to look like. I’m sure you’ve heard it said to “not look back, but only forward”. I think that’s a good principle to live by, but I can’t help but think about the past. I can’t help but think about how…

FREE Ways To Design A Blog

FREE Ways To Design A Blog

I have this weird love for blogging. Not only do I enjoy writing posts, but I also love designing a webpage/blog. Now I will put my disclosure statement out there that I am NO pro, but I still find enjoyment in creating a blog. The idea of thinking about different color schemes, designing a new…