Family & Marriage

Just Keep It Real, Please

Just Keep It Real, Please

Real. Real homes. Real people. Real kids. Real moments. Real everything. You with me? So I love Instagram. Maybe it’s kinda weird, but I find that there are some pretty “real” people on the Insta. Can I just thank you, from the bottom of my heart? Our souls long for people like you. I’m not…

Around the Home

Around the Home

I just love summer! In Michigan, summers often mean lots of family time and taking a break from everything routine. It’s a good feeling. Summer for us also means vacation time with family! We recently got back from our youth group mission trip to Alaska, had a week to recover and then prepare for our…

Alaska Mission Trip: Part 2

Alaska Mission Trip: Part 2

I have found myself looking through picture after picture, trying to find the right ones that depict the vastness, beauty, camaraderie, and joy that this trip was, but trying to recreate a life-changing memory I’m finding, is next to impossible. Have you ever come back from a trip, trying to explain what you saw and…

Alaska Mission Trip: Part 1

Alaska Mission Trip: Part 1

There is something about stepping out of your comfort zone, exploring new areas, building relationships, and most of all, growing closer to God – all things that encompass a mission trip. This past week, we headed to Alaska for our youth group mission trip, that was intergenerational too. The group of 30 embarked on the…

Around The Home

Around The Home

We are turning up the heat here in West Michigan. Or I should say the air conditioning! Fun and sun have arrived and we are trying to embrace it to the fullest. Even though we don’t have a cottage, we decided to make our home feel like a cottage – as my husband would say,…