Simple Life

How Limits Set Us Free

How Limits Set Us Free

  Once we have more, it’s just never enough, is it? Just think about that for a second. No matter how much we have, no matter how much money we make, it is just never enough, is it? We are always wanting more. And More. And MORE. Think about your life. What have you bought,…

Tweaking Life

While my sister and I walked along the beaches of Mexico, we started to talk about New Year’s resolutions. She asked if I had made any and ironically I had not (and that is STRANGE for someone who LOVES to plan)! That question really started to make me think. Why didn’t I make any? There…

YOU Are Enough

I feel like the word “enough” in our society is not acceptable. Our culture screams for more and More and MORE. Enough is never “enough”. And that is why I think as mothers we struggle to find that “enoughness”. How many times have you wondered if you are doing enough and even if you ARE…