
Resting In My Arms

The past few weeks have been a bit of a new journey for us, though they shouldn’t have come by surprise. As Dan and I have been busy going through our items, taking things off walls we no longer need, purging of toys when Mazy is not around, we thought we were safe. We didn’t…

What I Wish I Knew Then…

Two years ago, God blessed us with a beautiful little baby girl. She was a gift we surely did not deserve, but one we held with such humble pride, knowing God had chosen us for that very moment, that very miracle, and that life-changing moment. For years, I prayed I would be a mom. At…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Much of this past week was spent preparing for the garage sale that I had with a friend this weekend, but also just enjoying sweet Mazy of course! Did I mention how crazy funny she is these days? Never fails to entertain us! At Open Rock on Monday, Matt taught her to hoola hoop! She…