
To Be Known

To Be Known

This coming Tuesday, I head back to Ann Arbor to prep my body for yet another ablation on Thursday. The reason for early admission is I will be taken off some of my heart meds in order to create a “best case scenario”, but I also won’t feel great. The idea of having to go…

Unexpected Beauty

Unexpected Beauty

As you watch the trees start to change and witness leaves starting to let go of their comfortable place on the tree, may it remind you that unexpected beauty can be found in recognizing that no season is forever, we too may have to let go of some things, and maybe we just need to slow down long enough to recognize the unexpected beauty around us. For in that, we can see God much more clearly.

Quality vs. Quantity

Quality vs. Quantity

In a perfect world, I’d sit on our porch, read the Bible for hours, maybe do a personal Bible study, spend lots of time in prayer, and even do some writing or journaling while I’m sitting there too. Though sometimes it seems as if the minute I sit down, Mazy wakes up. No matter WHAT…

Living Life On Purpose

Living Life On Purpose

I don’t know about you, but I know for our family the saying holds true, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. This summer sure is flying by, but it sure has been filled with fun. Even though it’s been “good” things, it doesn’t always mean it’s the “right” things. I would say most often they…

Conquering the Summer Blues

Conquering the Summer Blues

Summer is officially in full swing and the Sterks couldn’t be more excited! As much as I thrive on routines and schedules, there is something about waking up to the birds singing and listening to them for just a few more minutes in the morning. In Michigan, we sort of skipped over spring in the…