Think through your day. This may take a minute, but go through each hour of your day. From the time your alarm goes off to the time you lay your head back down. Look at everything in between.
What’s something you get to enjoy, but take for granted?
When I sat and thought about this question, the first thing that came to my mind was putting our daughter to bed. At first I thought there should be something else, but as I thought about that time, that happens naturally every single day, the more I became grateful for it.
There have been seasons of life when bedtime was really difficult. It seemed as if she was scared to go to sleep. The process would take hours. And she’d also wake up several times a night. It took YEARS to work through this.
But I look at her 9-year-old self and think wow, look at how far we’ve come. She can’t wait to lay her head down. We turn her fan to a #2 or #3, depending on the night, Maggie our dog, snuggles in next to her, daddy gives her a kiss, I sit on the edge of the bed (or snuggle in with her for a few minutes), and we just chat for a few minutes. It seems as if when her head hits the pillow, all the thoughts rush out. After a few statements and conversations, she’ll say, “Okay, ONE more thing…” As much as I know it’s time to go to bed, I know in that moment she’s sharing what’s deep in her heart.
Then we read a devotional. And usually this will spark more conversation. Then I ask her if I can pray for anything or I’ll just pray, and usually there will be ONE more thing to say. Then I sing “God Is So Good”, “Jesus Loves Me”, and then “Silent Night” if she asks for “one more song, Mommy?”
I tuck the blanket above her shoulder, kiss her cheek, and whisper, “I love you to the moon and back, Mazy…” “I love you too, Mommy”.
And the routine is finished. But every night, I walk out, thankful for that moment. Every night I think wow, look at how far we’ve come. Look at that sweet daughter that lays in bed – a daughter we never thought we’d have.
How about you? What’s one thing you get to enjoy everyday, but take for granted?
Just reading that blog bring a tear to my eye. I join in your thankfulness. Have blessed Thanksgiving. You bring sweet memories.
I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving as well, Perry! I’m thankful for the places God has taken us, but even more so, for the people he’s introduced us to, including you, Perry! Happy Thanksgiving!