2 Months Old Today!

Just a few pictures taken this week, lots of things done around the house, beautiful weather, and naps taken… Mazy was craving cookies, and while walking the aisles of Aldi, she saw a sugar cookie mix that okay, I caved, and totally bought. And her face says it all… A girl after mom’s own heart…Mazy…
This past week hasn’t been an easy one, health-wise, but I will say it has been an AMAZING week at HOME! So thankful that this past week did not entail anymore hospital stays, and just a follow up in Ann Arbor. God sure has been gracious and gave us a bit of a break from…
Motherhood. A gift wrapped with unexplainable love for someone else, a love that is fostered in the tiniest of details, a patience that holds no limits, and a joy unexplainable. Over the past, well, MANY years, I have often thought about what it means to be a mother. I always struggled with the question “do…
A year ago today, was a much different story in our life. We started the day by learning that Dan was let go from his job for reasons we did not understand. Yet it was also filled with such joy as hours later, we learned that Brenda was pregnant with our two children! Such a…
Some of you may have already seen this picture on facebook and instagram, but I couldn’t help but share it again. To me, the words on her shirt “Who needs a prince? (I have daddy)” is a saying that goes so much deeper than just words on a shirt. When Dan and I have talked…
Our week in pictures: Hanging out with the youth group kids, watching Sunday Night Football (had to have the appropriate helmet to play with!) I just never get sick of capturing that smile and those cheekies! Mazy loves playing with her daddy! First shoulder ride – as you can see, she wasn’t so sure about…