20 Days, 3 Ways, __ Bags: Craft Supplies

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If you are into DIY or crafts at all, you know how your craft projects sometimes go. You sit down to start a project, but it takes you 15 minutes to FIND everything that it takes to do the project. Then you realize you have 3 of something. Then you realize you don’t have enough of something, when you thought you did. By the time you GET to the project, you lost interest or you ran out of time.
And the cycle continues.
What if, when you wanted to start a project, you could just sit down and start doing it? Knowing where everything was? This CAN be accomplished! But first, you need to purge. What is getting in the way, are the unnecessary and useless things you hold on to. Useless in the sense that you have not USED them in several months or even years. It’s time to start over with your craft supplies and so that you can start something new.
A few ideas on how to fill up some more bags…
1. What are the projects/hobbies that you want to keep pursuing? How often do we keep supplies for those things that we will do SOMEDAY (and that day has yet to come?). When you look through all of your craft supplies, know what you will use it for. If it serves no good purpose, get rid of it.
2. Along those same lines, if you haven’t used it, get rid of it. The thought of “well, I will use it someday, I’m sure!” still lingers. How hard and costly will it be to buy a new one IF you end up needing it someday?
3. How often do we buy craft supplies in hopes that we will actually use it someday? Again, and that day has never come. Even though it may be unopened, get rid of it. Someone else will appreciate it much more. When that unopened packaged isn’t staring you in the face anymore, your guilt for NOT using it, will be gone too.
4. Are you keeping anything because you feel you have to use it? Are you keeping fabric or scrapbooking paper because you have it and feel you should use it? Why? If you have to talk yourself into using it, get rid of it. Crafting and DIY is something you should enjoy doing – not something you need to talk yourself into.
5. Scraps. Scraps of paper. Scraps of fabric. Scraps of ribbon. Scraps of you name it. Half-used bottles? Will you ever use them? Probably not.
6. Age. How old is the item you questioning whether to get rid of? Like I alluded to above, stick to the rule of thumb: if you haven’t used it in a year, get rid of it. Simply said and make it simply done.
Don’t let your craft supplies overwhelm you. Hobbies are meant to be enjoyed. Not dreaded to start. Not dreaded because you have so much to sift through. PURGE, PURGE, PURGE so that you can set new goals, see what you have, and accomplish those DIY projects you’ve been wanting to.
Don’t forget to complete THIS project by donating, recycling, or trashing what you no longer need!
What does your craft room look like? What will it take to organize it?