20 Days, 3 Ways, __Bags: Kitchen Utensils and Silverware

Are you still onboard with this new challenge? To fill as many bags as you can, with the items you just don’t need anymore? Daily I am finding things that I question whether I need them or not. One of the “hot spots” for me since moving has been my kitchen utensil drawer. I would say that my utensil drawer is the one that gets stuck the most. Stuck not because the drawer is broken, but because my utensils get jammed and tangled. I know I can buy a new “organizing” gadget, but I know that is just a temporary solution to the real problem – having too many. So here are a few more ideas on how to fill those bags! Again, we are not looking at “organizing” – just simply getting rid of what we don’t need.
1. Pick up each utensil and ask:
- What do I use it for? (purpose)
- Would I miss it?
- How often do I use it?
- Would I replace it?
2. In determining the answers to those questions, if you only use a utensil about twice a year and it is not a key component to the activity you are doing (such as canning), then I would say put it in a bag. If you would hardly miss it, get rid of it. If you barely even know how to use the utensil, it is not worth hanging onto. Last but not least, if you wouldn’t pay the money to buy a new one, don’t keep the current.
3. After you have gone through each item, determine if you have gotten rid of enough utensils. Consider doing the drawer test – if you can open and close your drawer with ease, you know you have gotten rid of enough.
Typically the problem is NOT about having enough space, but having too MUCH to fill that space. In other words, your drawer size is not the issue – it’s what’s in the drawer that is the issue!
By now we have gone through our pantry and utensil/silverware drawers. Hopefully you are starting to fill up some bags to either donate, recycle, or get rid of!
Next up? Getting rid of the “collectibles” in the kitchen – cookbooks and recipes!