20 Days, 3 Ways, __ Bags: On-Going Process
We often feel we need to accumulate more and more – unfortunately, that is the opposite of simplifying.
We walk into stores and see how beautifully cluttered a display is and want to replicate that in our own home – unfortunately, we have to LIVE in that cluttered space everyday. Pinterest and other websites offer picturesque ideas of the perfect home – but do you REALLY want to live with THAT much stuff?
- We buy to impress – unfortunately, we will NEVER impress everyone; how high are we setting the bar?
We spend so much time buying what we want. Unfortunately, we forget we need to maintain it, work to afford it, and figure out how we will replace it someday – is it worth it?
You may have heard of the saying: everything has a place and everything in it’s place.
Think about your own home: does everything HAVE a place? If not, why not? One day, we are ALL going to pass away and our loved ones are going to be left behind to deal with all of our stuff. What will our families say? Are you going to rollover in your grave in embarrassment? Will your family be stuck asking “WHY did they keep all this STUFF? WHY did they have so much of THIS item?” You can’t pull a U-Haul behind a hearse!
I once read that if you are struggling with whether you have too much, picture this: take EVERYTHING out of your home and put it on your front lawn. Stand in the middle. As your neighbors drive by, what would their reaction be? What would YOUR reaction be? Not that we should base our lives off of what other people think, but if we would be embarrassed at everything again, we need to think twice about keeping it all and bringing it back in.