20 Days, 3 Ways, __ Bags: Storage
The thought of storage spaces may be overwhelming. You may think of that ONE spot that is just hideous – an unsightly sight. The place where you will take NO ONE because you know exactly how it makes you feel – like you want anyone else to feel that way!
Storage spaces can have such a negative connotation because that means you are storing things you do not need (for the time being). Storage spaces are a catch all – the “I don’t know where else to put it” space.
That is exactly why this one is so important to hit, when it comes to filling up those bags. When it comes to going through your storage spaces, remember these few questions:
5. Would someone else put this item to better use?
6. Is this storage space too full? (if so, you MUST get rid of things!)
In filling up those bags, be in the right mindset – if you feel you are going to be keeping items for the wrong reasons (because of fear of letting go, hanging onto the past, excuse of I will EVENTUALLY need it), do it another day. Make sure you are READY to get rid of things because I am going to safely assume that your storage spaces are going to be the biggest bag filler-uppers.
Save the organizing for another day. Just GET RID OF STUFF. You are storing it because you will need it someday – will that someday ever come? Don’t wait for that someday – give it to someone TODAY – even if it’s a thrift store or your neighbor!
You may have multiple storage spaces, so start with one first. Don’t overwhelm yourself!
Hopefully you now have to make a trip to your local thrift store!