Oh to be 30 weeks!
This week as I was praying and thanking God for taking us this far, I found myself whispering the words to my Father “I am pregnant. I am PREGNANT.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke those words with so much hope, yet peace that God had answered our prayers. I am sure God just sat and listened, as He saw His daughter just in awe of what He did and is doing.
I wish I could write about every conversation Dan and I have about her, but they are just too numerous to count. The hope, anticipation, and dreams we have for this little girl. Dreams that were birthed back in 2011 when we embarked on the journey with our first two. Those dreams, we never let die, but realized God had us lay them to rest for a few years. Yet in the meantime, He had orchestrated things just so, and even miraculously healed my heart, so that I would be the one carrying. We never imagined. And that is why each and everyday, we “hold” our little girl with such tender hands and tender hearts, knowing how precious her life is. If she only knew. We know her siblings are watching her grow and one day we will all be united as one big family – but until then, we will continue to proclaim His name, as an earthly family of 3, praying our 2 children in Heaven, proclaim His name their own unique way.
This past week has been filled with much movement and even more anticipation! On Friday, we headed to the hospital for a tour of the labor and delivery floor (since our schedule doesn’t permit us to take any classes). I have to say, they are nice rooms and we are very blessed to have such wonderful facilities in a rural area! What a wonderful staff as well. We will be well taken care of! It also made the idea of going into labor more real – in a good way! Am I nervous? Not really…I think I am more wondering WHEN, so that I am not in the middle of a basketball game and my water breaks! At least lets hope not!
My Body: I am noticeably getting bigger and my stomach getting harder, but I feel good. My shirts are definitely tighter, but a belly sticking out, is something I have DREAMED of and am embracing every moment! I can tell my body is starting to prepare for labor in little ways, but that too, is thrilling. I still have zero swelling and my blood pressure on the lower end – what a blessing! The two things the doctors were worried about, are concerns that have yet to be put on the table. If you ask Dan, he would tell you that I have snored for the first time in my life! I of course have no idea, but the combo of my sinus issues and not being able to breathe as well, has caused me to gently wake up from Dan’s little taps to wake me up so I stop. He’s great about it! Granted it’s not all the time or every night, but I can officially say I have now snored (though at least I am not sawing logs!)
Food: I am getting a bit of an appetite back, but find myself still eating smaller meals, as indigestion can quickly take over. Tums still taste GREAT and solve the problem immediately. AND, I also like chicken again! No holding back anymore!
Baby Girl: As I said earlier, she is 4 lbs. 2 oz., which is about a pound above what the books “say” she should be, but her parents explain it all! We just can’t wait to see how big she really is when she makes her grand appearance! I can feel little feet or hands at times. She probably thinks I am trying to move them, but really I just want to feel them! They are too precious to not touch! I also felt her hiccup for the first time! At first I wondered what in the world those little “pulses” were, but then I realized she probably had the hiccups – my heart just melted.
The room: We also found a rocker/recliner from our local furniture store, which was exactly what we were looking for, for a good price! I didn’t even take my purse in because we were just going to look – lo and behold, I found myself running to the car to get it so we could order it. Pictures to come eventually, as it won’t arrive until early February. It was the last “big” item we needed. We still need to get plenty, but the room is coming together! I just have to wash some of her clothes and find a good place for everything. I am starting to work on decorations and am in the process of making curtains for her room. Every time I walk into her room, I get so giddy!
Here’s what 30 weeks look like: