4 Months Old!

Stats: Mazy is 25 1/2 inches tall (97th percentile), is 15 lbs. 1 oz. (70th percentile) and is in the 90th percentile for head size.
Food: Mazy eats every 3-4 hours and is drinking about 4-6 ounces each time. She eats at about 3:00 or 4:00am, 8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00ish each day. She is struggling to stay asleep at night because I think she gets hungry! We just introduced her to rice cereal a few days ago and she enjoyed it! Hopefully this will help fill her up a bit more. She doesn’t need her acid reflux meds regularly anymore! I think she is growing out of it, which is wonderful!
Size: Mazy is mainly in 6 month clothes. She wears some 3-6, some 6-9, and I think all of her sleepers are 9 months. If it wasn’t for her legs, she would be in most 3-6 month clothes, but those legs are just something else! She is in size 2 diapers, but size 3 for at night (otherwise she leaks through them – thanks to my sister for giving me that idea!). I find that Target brand really works, and they are cheaper than Huggies and Pampers.
Routine: This is maybe where there is a bit of a struggle. Mazy is consistent on the 3 hour schedule during the day, but it’s the naps and nighttime that she really struggles with. Some nights, she wakes up almost every hour and we let her cry it out for some, other hours she will fall back asleep pretty quickly, and the others, I feed her. No, I am not that mom who rescues her daughter every time she cries, but at that 3 or 4 o’clock wakeup, she can drink a full 5 ounce bottle, so I know she is hungry.
On a typical day, she will wake up between 3 and 4 to eat (like I said), then 6, and then sleep til 8 or 9. After that feeding, we will soon head out for a long walk, which she continues to love! She usually falls asleep on the walk, and stays asleep til her next bottle. The rest of the naps, she struggles with, if we don’t go for a walk or if we are not in the car. Really, naps would go great if I could go on a walk or drive everytime! She loves any type of movement to fall asleep. I do try and let her cry it out – sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but we just take each day at a time. Mazy has never been a great napper, so we are used to it. We just feel sorry for her though, when she is so tired, but just can’t fall asleep (she doesn’t realize how good it will feel after she does take a nap!). Though, she just loves to play and loves life, so we can’t blame her. Throughout the rest of the day, we will play in the kiddy pool we have, read books, walk around outside, go on more walks, play with toys, and she is now starting to enjoy her activity center and playmat. Nighttime, we try and give her a bath if we have a chance, and start her last bottle around 8:30 or so. She usually finishes it by 9:00 or 9:15 and soon after, we lay her in her crib and she usually falls asleep on her own.
Milestones and Activities: Mazy can hold her head up! It is so cute how she just gazes into your eyes, as you see her trying to hold her head up for long periods of time. She is showing signs of wanting to sit up on her own – if she is laying on a lap, she will lift her head up, like doing a crunch, which is her signal that she wants to sit up. We often sit her up on our couch so she can play with her toys. She also still LOVES looking at books with just pictures (like her First 100 Animals book). She enjoys touching the animals and holding the book. Her pink OBall is a new favorite toy, but she still likes her taggie blankets and her Lamaze doll. She is QUITE the talker! She will “converse” back and forth with anyone who is willing to talk to her! Swimming in the tub never gets old for her!
Other Things To Remember:
- Mazy is not a fan of laying on her tummy, so she still has yet to roll over consistently. She has rolled over a few times on her own, but it’s not something she always does.
- She had her first giggle, well actually belly laugh on Saturday, June 27, when her cousin Natalie was playing peek-a-boo. She was laughing SO hard! We haven’t been able to make her laugh like that since!
- She went on her first vacation to Michigan on June 19, for a week! She did absolutely AMAZING on the drive (both ways).
- Blonde hair is growing up top, but she still has her brown hair mullet in the back.
- She tried rice cereal for the first time, 2 days before you turned 4 months. You LOVED it!
- Mazy enjoys standing on the counter in front of the mirror in the bathroom. She could be entertained for a half hour doing that!
- She likes her carseat – well, mainly the toys that we have hanging from the handle – she just jabbers to them the whole ride to the store
- Mazy continues to amaze us in what she learns each day, her smile captivates us, and her personality makes us laugh. Can’t wait to see what she learns in the next month!