4 Steps To Organized Gift Wrap – Day 2

Are you a last minute shopper? I have to say I usually am not. I enjoy planning ahead, but I have realized that my planning ahead stops at a certain point. There have been times when I have the gift, but have nothing it wrap it in. No gift bag no wrapping paper. Thankfully wrapping gifts in old paper bags is becoming more okay these days, but I have had to retreat to that option before.
The problem is not that I do not have any place to store my gift wrap. The problem is that I never knew what I had. So when it came to wrapping a gift, I would open up my under the bed tote and realize I had nothing. At least nothing suitable for the occasion. That’s when I knew one of my 100 Days of Less days had to be about gift wrap!
4 Steps To Organized Gift Wrap:
1. Grab ALL of your gift wrapping supplies (including ribbon, tape, labels, Christmas paper, etc.)
2. Sort it (this may seem tedious…)
- Organize your paper/bags and gift wrap by occasion
- What ever you have not used in 2 years, recycle it, throw it away, or donate it. Don’t let NISS (need-it-someday-syndrome) get in the way!
- Buy a tote to store all of your gift wrapping supplies in (including scissors, tape, and a marker so everything is in one spot). I used to have two totes, one for general occasions and one for Christmas gift wrap. I decided to downsize even more and purge of what I hadn’t used in 2 years, which brought me down to just 1 tote.