52 Place In 52 Weeks: Food Storage Containers

What do your cupboards look like?
If yours are anything like mine have been, you have to shift things in the cupboard in order for the doors to shut. You have WAY more food storage containers than you will ever need or have food for. And maybe you keep every single one – even those that have stains all over them. Trust me, I’ve been there! Then I decided that it was a waste of space and it was time to get a new system!
So why do we own so many?
Do we keep them because they are cheap? Free? A nice butter container? Because we MIGHT use them someday?
Today is the LAST day you will dread opening up that drawer or cupboard with all of your food storage containers because TODAY, they will be organized!
1. FIND all of your storage containers – even your glass ones.
2. Find the cover for each one
– if you cannot find the cover, recycle that container right away.
3. Check for stains are on the container – if you would be embarrassed showing someone else the container, get rid of it!
4. Set aside containers you use on a weekly basis.
5. Decide how many containers you actually NEED. This is a personal decision – whatever you don’t think you will use, donate or recycle them
6. Consider switching over to all glass containers. Since I have switched over, I feel I actually WAY fewer food containers AND, they do not get destroyed every time I try to microwave something.
What will it take for your cupboard doors to shut? To be able to only keep what you need instead of what you think you need? Start organizing those containers and your food will be all the more organized and your home as well!