52 Places In 52 Weeks: Closet

Are mornings one of the most stressful parts of your day? You may ask why, but do you ever stand in front of your closet, wondering what to wear?
Do you ever wonder if you have too many options? Maybe you don’t even know what your options are? What if your closet was so organized that you knew what you had, what to put together, and even what to wear?
Well, having an organized closet can be a reality. Here are a few tips to organize YOUR closet (no matter what the condition of it may be!)
1. Figure out how much space you want to take up for clothes. If your drawers are overflowing,
2. Decide:
- Does it fit?
- Do you wear it?
- Do you like or enjoy wearing it?
- Does it need fixing?
- For example..
- Long-sleeve shirts: Too small? Stretched out?
- Jeans: Are you saving some for when you lose weight, but haven’t? Do they fit?
- Dresses: Too tight? What occasion would you wear it for? Is it a multi-purpose dress?
- Shoes: Worn out? Dirty? Do they squeak?
- Whatever is beyond repair and does not fit, time to get rid of it.
5. Donate/Sell/Toss/Fix items that need to be taken care of. Consider donating your unused item to a friend in need.