8 Travel Tips for the Holidays

Let’s be frank: traveling during the holiday season can be a nightmare.
Even the slightest thought of traveling can cause stress. Though for some, traveling really is the only option for those who want to see family.
Traveling, as complicated and stressful as it may sound, IS do-able. Here are a few tips:
1. Do your research. If you are flying or need to rent a car, don’t wait until the last minute. Do your research by browsing discount websites, airline websites, and others. Hearing other’s experiences or recommendations/ideas, can save you oodles. Don’t procrastinate!
2. Travel early or late in the day. Long lines can be the end of many people’s sanity. If you want to see the worst in someone come out, have them stand in line for 2 hours. Yikes. Traveling early or late may not be as convenient, but it may prevent you from standing in long lines and a crowded airport. If you are driving, is it feasible to drive through the night? You will not have to deal with traffic jams (hopefully) when everyone else is sleeping!
3. Don’t drive yourself. Carpool with someone to an area or to the airport. This can save on parking and gas. Also by sharing the duties, it once again can save your sanity.
4. Don’t rush. Rushing while traveling can cause greater issues than you have time for. Get to the airport early and leave plenty of travel time on the road.
5. Pack light. Plan each day’s attire, instead of packing what you THINK you might wear. Being practical and certain, decreases decision time, the stress of what to wear, and not to mention the SIZE of your luggage. Can you fit all of your belongings in a carry-on if you are flying? You might save money by going this route too, as airlines are now charging for ANY checked luggage.
6. Take the scenic route. The unfortunate thing about all the technology out there is that it doesn’t account for “busy” streets. What if you took one highway over, the more “scenic” route, to avoid the traffic? It may not be as “direct,” but could save you hours if you get stuck in a traffic jam on the “main” route.
7. Take snacks along. If you are hungry, sitting in the car can be the worst because all you have time for is TO think about how hungry you are. Save a stop and time by packing healthy and filling snacks. Also, pack WATER, NOT POP. Water will hydrate and quench thirst, much more than those DEhydrating drinks!
8. Pack your earplugs. Staying in a new environment means not knowing exactly how your set-up will be. Will you be next to train tracks? Across the road from a hospital with aero-med? Staying with someone who has a 1 month old? If you have them you can use them and bank on a good-night’s sleep. If not, it may be a LONG night!
Are you traveling for the holidays? If so, where? What are some travel tips that live by?