What Have You Learned In 2018?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I struggle with the start of a new year.
So much anticipation, so much pressure to set the “right” goals and really, to even set goals in and of themselves. And then to start off the year somehow…
Do you ever feel that way? I know I do! The news stations are filled with – how to be your best self in 2019 – how to lose “X” amount of pounds in 8 weeks – how to make the most of your time in 2019. You get the idea. Now let me preface this with saying that NONE of these things are bad in and of themselves. Truly! I’m not disagreeing with making goals and I think to some degree, it can be healthy. But as another year is coming to a close, are you leaving the year behind discouraged? Frustrated? Wanting a do-over? Or are you thinking it really was your best year yet? That is was the year you felt you gained a better perspective of who you are, who Christ is, and are growing all the more in appreciation and love for Him?
I’m not sure where you are at, but I think one thing we can ALL answer is this:
Something good? Something life-changing? Something new? Maybe you learned something through hard times. Maybe a miracle happened in your life. Regardless, what is the one thing that you can look back on the year and say, I learned that this past year!
For me, I learned how fragile life is, but how gracious and faithful our God is too. This is probably something I could write a whole blog post on, all on it’s own, but this year surely has looked nothing like how I thought it look. I thought I would be well on my road to recovery, but in reality, my heart is in worse shape now than when I went into my surgeries in 2017. A handful of ER visits, umpteen tests, and hospitalizations, have made me realize that life is so unknown. Our tomorrows, well, are not in our hands. But even in the difficult, God has been so faithful and gracious. His grace I could no longer hold in, but had to share via a book – A Heartbeat of Grace. That book is the fruit of grace and the faithfulness of God!
Live each day like it’s your last! You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. Granted this comes across as a bit morbid during a time that births beginnings and newness, and I sure don’t plan on dying for another 80 years, but when you realize life circumstances can change in a heartbeat, it’s God’s grace and faithfulness that we have to cling to.
How about you? I’d love to hear what you learned this past year? What life lesson can you look back on and say, that was a life-changer?