Around The Home
Hello Spring! So many walks outside this week, park times, and activities outside! Even though some days were a bit chilly, we could still go outside and play catch, ride our bikes, play in the sandbox, and just enjoy the sunshine!
I also had another heart appointment this week, which is always good to have. I will say as each day goes by, those extra beats, since being off my med, have really increased. Sometimes I don’t feel great at all, but my body is technically doing what it’s supposed to do. Of course every day I would love to just wake up and feel amazing, but that’s just not the case with heart failure. I’ll tell you this, I sure am counting down the days until my ablation surgery that will hopefully have me feeling better soon. Now to just get to that point! So SO thankful for the beautiful weather though, when I can capitalize on feeling good too, and take walks. THAT is such a gift!
It was so nice last Monday that Mazy was able to “help” Dan mow the lawn:

It was maybe a BIT chilly to take a swim in grandma’s pond, but they were fearless!

It’s always fun seeing friends at Meijer who are checking out at the same time!

Me and my girl preparing supper outside; it was too nice to be inside anyways:

This past Saturday, a fun attraction in our area called Dutch Village, had their annual community day. It’s always a gamble on what the weather is going to be, and this year it sure was a chilly one! Hats, gloves, and winter coats, with tears about to stream down my face from the wind and cold, but we sure had fun! And it’s always fun to see familiar faces too.

Brushing the goats…always a highlight of Mazy’s time at Dutch Village! One of the things I absolutely LOVE about parenting is experiencing life with your child. Oh to see life through the eyes of a child – just brings ME so much joy and forces me to take a step back and look at things a different way. She sees the simple. The ordinary, but extraordinary to her. Sure love this girl!