Work Smarter, Not Harder
As my husband says, WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER.
That is the motto I think of when I am cleaning our home. I have to admit, since having our daughter, my love for cleaning has significantly decreased. In fact, just last week I told my husband that the last thing I wanted to do was clean our house, but it had to be done. With all the wind we have in Minnesota along with open windows everyday, that equals to be a lot of dust in our cozy home.
Again, the last thing I want to do on those nice days is clean. Do you ever feel that way? Maybe all the time, like me.
Well, that is why I always try to find the fastest way to clean, which means using products that make the cleaning process fast.
You may (or may not) know that I love Norwex products. Many of you have heard me talk about them in the past, but I have to say, that it truly has transformed my cleaning routine. I am still using the exact same clothes I bought over 2 years ago, and they work just as great. No need to buy more paper towels because all I need to use with the Enviro and Window cloths is water.

I have done a few posts in the past about Norwex, so if you are looking to see how Norwex has made an impact in our home, check out these posts (these are just a select few):
And I Thought Our Floors Were Clean – (probably the most embarrassing post)
How I Clean My Tub
Cleaning the Bathroom
Our Oven That Needed Some Help
The Transformation of Our Kitchen Sink
And I must say, thanks to Norwex, for helping me work smarter, not harder!