Mazy Is 13 Months Old!

~ Not known
~ Eats when we eat, with snacks mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and before bed.
~ Likes to eat carbs – Cheerios, bread, waffles, mac ‘n cheese, noodles, puffs, cucumbers, some veggies, and what we eat for supper.
~ 18 month clothes
~ 18-24 month pants
~ 18-24 month onesies
~ Size 3 diapers and size 4 at night
~ Wakes up between 7:45 and 8:30.
~ Goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30.
~ Can sleep through the night, but doesn’t always (maybe 2 or 3 nights a week she does)
~ Is very close to walking! Can take a few steps on her own.
~ Only holds onto one hand to walk
~ Has 8 teeth still
~ Can say clock, truck, book, daddy, mama, bee, woof, hi, bye, is dat (what is that?)
~ Scoots all over the house
~ Likes to play patty cake
~ Switched car seat forward
~ Is just starting to be able to bend over and almost pick something up
~ Understands what we are saying more and more
~ Is starting to sleep through the night a few nights in a row
~ Can open our cupboards and drawers, and finds treasures!
~ Got her 3rd ear infection while at Grandma Sterk’s
~ Loves dogs still
~ Knows where her favorite pages are in a book
~ Still loves walks
~ Is a picky eater (doesn’t like many fruits or vegetables)
~ Favorite toys are her quiet book, First 100 Words, Always Daddy’s Princess, life the flap books
~ Baths are a favorite time of day for her
~ Asks every morning while changing her diaper if we are going buh-hye, by waving her hand and saying it.
~ Loves to be by people
~ Likes to play catch
~ Doesn’t like when mom or dad leave, but after a few minutes, is okay