Mazy Is 11 Months Old!

Stats: Not sure. We will find out at her 1 year appointment.
~ Eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 5-6 ounces each time
~ Likes to eat Gerber puffs, Baby Mum-Mums, cheese, toast with peanut butter, waffles, Cheerios, and baby food
~ 12 month clothes
~ 18 month pants
~ 12 month onesies
~ Size 3 diapers and size 4 at night
~ Wakes up between 7:45 and 8:30.
~ Goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30.
~ Had a very rough week of sleeping this past week because of teething. Otherwise she can sleep through the night.
- Eats foods very well and rarely chokes
- Loves to walk holding onto your index fingers, but refuses to walk with just one hand
- Has no desire to crawl
- Still is not a great napper, but can surprise us with a 2 1/2 hour nap every once in awhile
- Vocabulary has increased incredibly. We can now have conversations with her. She says buh or buh-buh which means bye bye. Says mama and dada very well. Can say ah da with arms up which means “all done” and “uh” which means uh oh if she drops something.
- Still claps her hands when others cheer, clap, or say “yay”
- Has 5 teeth (top front just popped through and a bottom side tooth came through a week ago) It’s true that she looks like a jack-o-lantern
- Likes to hug anything soft – is a very affectionate girl
- Still likes to play “so big”
- Learned how to play peek-a-boo by putting a blanket over her face
- Can walk behind the Sit to Stand toy well
- Likes to play the piano
- Learned to put blocks in an empty gerber puff container
- Mazy enjoys paging through books – we recently bought her a Dog Encyclopedia book and she talks to each of the dogs
- Still is obsessed with dogs
- Likes it when you rub the top of her head
- Enjoys taking her pants all the way off when changing her diaper and throwing them on the ground.
- When you put her coat oh, she waves and says “buh” b/c she knows we are going somewhere.
- Doesn’t like to wear socks or shoes
- Hugs everything
- Enjoys playing catch
- Mazy is just so full of life! She has not been sleeping well so we will rock her back to sleep, but the minute we put her down, she cries again. She just doesn’t want to miss a beat! We have recently tried letting her cry it out again b/c she is in between teeth, and that seems to work.