Mazy At 6 Months – Things To Remember

Stats: At her 6 month checkup today, Mazy weighed 17 lbs. 4 ounces (70th percentile) and is 27 1/2 inches tall (96th percentile). She sure is a healthy and tall girl!
Food: Mazy eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 6 ounces each time. She eats a fruit or vegetable at her noon feeding and then a bottle afterwards. Then we feed her cereal right before she goes to bed, to tie her over. She is currently eating at 8:00, 11:00, 2:30, 5:30, and 8:00.
Size: Mazy wears all 6-9 month shirts, 9 month pants, 6-9 month onesies, and 9 month sleepers (though heading towards needing to wear 12). She wears size 2 diapers during the day and size 3 at night.
Routine: Wait for it…MAZY IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! One night she didn’t wake up for her 3:00am feeding. The next night she didn’t wake up for her 6:30 feeding. The next night she slept all the way through! She will sometimes wake up during the night, but we now let her cry it out and she can put herself back to sleep. It’s a great day!
She usually wakes up around 8:00am. After her bottle, we typically go for a run or walk. At about 9:30, she is ready for her morning nap. She typically sleeps for about 1 hour (sometimes more, sometimes less). Then we feed her some type of veggie or fruit. She is still not a fan of green beans or peas, but she does like squash, carrots, pears, sweet potatoes, pears, and avocado. We were shocked she liked avocado because it is a different, bland, yet strong taste, but she loves it! Then we play for awhile – she loves her Quack, Quack book with touch and feel fur. She will chew on anything she can. She likes her blocks, any book, Violet, teething rings, activity center, and cups. By about 12:30 she is ready for another nap and this is when she can sleep from 1 hour to 3 hours. This part of the day varies, but as long as she sleeps for at least 2 hours total in the afternoon, she does okay at night. So bottle time varies as well. By 5:30 or 6:00 we get her back on schedule and give her a bottle. Then we go for a bike ride (if we haven’t already because she LOVES them) and play until about 7:45. Then it’s bathtime, cereal time, bottle time (about a 7 oz. bottle), then bedtime.
- Mazy can now sit up on her own! We do use a boppy just for protection b/c she does tip over sometimes when trying to grab something.
- She is jabbering like crazy. Right now it sounds like she is clearing her throat, but really she is just trying to talk and shout. It’s adorable!
- She tries to crawl by lifting up a leg and trying to do an army crawl, but no success yet
- She rolled once from back to stomach, but has yet to do it again
- Did I mention SHE SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT? Dan and I had been praying that Mazy would be able to, and soon after, she did! I would try and let her cry it out before, but it would be 30 minutes of crying and I would give in. But then one night she just decided she would be okay. She still wakes up sometimes and we usually just let her cry it out and she’ll put herself back to sleep.
- We can put her in her bouncy awake for naps, and she can typically put herself to sleep! Still working on the crib, but that’s okay
- She is learning to hold onto toys very well and switch them from hand to hand
- She can stand up against furniture with our hands there to guide
Other Things To Remember:
- Mazy still isn’t a huge fan of tummy time, but enjoys the challenge of trying to grab something.
- Mazy likes it when you dance – either with her or just dancing in front of her. She gets the biggest smile on her face!
- She loves to lay on her back and grab her feet, while jabbering about who knows what!
- We drove through the night to go back to Michigan for a short weekend and she did fairly well!
- Mazy’s hair is growing by the day – it is blonde up top and dark blonde on the sides (just like her mother’s)
- Mazy loves to stand up against the couch and look out the window or sit on top of the couch (with assistance of course)
- Mazy still LOVES to be outside – I can put her in the stroller by the garden and she could watch cars go by for 30-45 minutes.
- Walks and bike rides never get old for her
We love you more than words can say, Mazy!