FREE Ways To Design A Blog

I have this weird love for blogging. Not only do I enjoy writing posts, but I also love designing a webpage/blog. Now I will put my disclosure statement out there that I am NO pro, but I still find enjoyment in creating a blog.
The idea of thinking about different color schemes, designing a new tab, or just the idea of putting creativity into action, just gets me all excited! It is amazing the things that you can do – and for FREE. When I first started blogging, one of the things enjoyed doing was learning how.
Whether you want to start your own blog, change up a current design, jazz up a picture, or create a printable, there are very simple things you can do. And did I mention for FREE?
Here are some ideas:
1. PicMonkey. If you want to add some pizzazz to ANYTHING, I highly recommend using I have used this free photo editing/designing program for years now and love it! When I wanted to redesign, I uploaded a transparent photo I got off of Google Images and started designing away for the header (Only By Grace). Yes, I designed that all by using PicMonkey. Nothing else!
2. Photo-Editing. When it comes to photos, you guessed, I still use PicMonkey. For instance, on my profile picture where it says “Meet Kristin”, that took me maybe one minute to do. Any photo you see with some extra jazzy design, it is all within this program.
3. Printables. One thing I am looking forward to trying again is creating my own printables. I have in the past, created my own printables (which you can check out here), but I am looking to revamp them a bit (again, using PicMonkey). Though I am open to suggestions of programs to use when creating printables (on a PC).
4. Blogger. First of all, here are some ideas that you can use to start creating your very own blog! I love to use It’s FREE and very user-friendly! I know many people use WordPress, but I find that blogger is just too easy to use! I once tried WordPress and actually wrote for another blogger who used WordPress, and honestly, I always enjoyed going back to Blogger. It has easy widgets/gadgets to use and there are easy HTML codes to add into gadgets, that make a blog even more appealing. To each their own, right?
If you have ANY questions about how I designed or did something on my blog, PLEASE ask! I do not keep any secrets because blogging is just something I love to talk about. If you just need an opinion or have questions about starting one, PLEASE ask! If you would like to see a tutorial on how to design something on my blog, let me know and I will do a post on it!