Living Up To Your Fullest Potential

The other day, my husband was watching a military documentary. This is a common occurrence in our home and often times, I just tune them out. They aren’t really my thing.
I happened to be cleaning our house at the time, so I ended up listening to the only noise I could hear. Within seconds, I found myself listening intently. Listening and thinking “boy, there are some serious life-changing lessons this guy is talking about.”
Before we knew it, we were rewinding and listening to what this guy was saying again. And again.
As I started to think about how I could apply these lessons to my life, I couldn’t help but think about my new role as a mother. One key point he had was that we can’t focus on the outcomes in life, but on the performance. Of course this was related to military situations, but the beauty of performance is that we are all uniquely created. We will all perform differently.
We will all live life differently. I am the only “Kristin Sterk.” Now take that one step further. If I only focus on the outcomes in life, what standard am I living up to? If I focus on what everyone else is doing, and worrying about them, am I really living up to the fullest potential of what Kristin Sterk can do? (insert your own name)
For example, if I was living up to the outcome/standard of Babywise, would I be seen as failing to succeed then because my child didn’t sleep through the night by 12 weeks? But if I focused more on the “performance”, which means not worrying about a set standard, but worrying about how I can improve and what I CAN do (which is love Mazy to the fullest capacity), that is success. So loving Mazy and worrying about how I can best love her, meant being okay with her not following the books. And honestly? That has been the BEST thing that has happened to me!
One quote that stuck with me is: Limits begin where vision ends.
Just think about that. I would love to go into detail about what I think this means, but I want you to personally think about that quote. Where have your visions ended because you created limits for yourself? Again, just sit back and think about this:
Limits begin where vision ends.
Who would’ve thought, a simple documentary could throw out such a big challenge?
Just something to think about…