2 Month Stats

I decided to do a little more “bullet-point” post for each month, since the blog is something I often look back on myself! This way, I will never forget all of the little details of Mazy Grace’s life!
Stats: At her 2 month checkup, she weighed 12 lbs. 4 ounces, and is in the 71 percentile. She is 24 inches in height, which means she is now only in the 96 percentile! She must be shrinking (not)! We were a bit shocked because before she was always well above the 99 mark, but she is now evening out a bit. Her head circumference is at 16 inches, which puts her in the 97 percentile. She is growing and healthy little girl. Couldn’t be more thankful!
Food: Mazy eats about 5 ounces (or less) at each feeding. She is currently feeding at 3:30am, between 6:30 and 7:30am, and then 3 hour increments after that. The later night feeding can range anywhere from 9:00-10:00pm. At the 3:30am feeding, she usually goes right back to sleep, but only eats about 2-3 ounces. My guess (and my hope) is that in the next few weeks, we can completely cut out that feeding!
Size: Mazy moved up to 3-6 month white onesies, but can still fit in about half of her 0-3 month clothes. We are transitioning into the 3-6 month clothes. Most of Mazy’s pants are capris, but that seems to be working out just fine since the weather is a bit warmer! She cannot wear any 0-3 month sleepers – she is all 3-6, if not most 6 month sleepers now. She is currently wearing size 1 diapers in Pampers and Target brand, but size 2 in Huggies. I learned quickly that with Huggies she leaks through them, but the poundage is different than Pampers, so it all makes sense! Pampers 1s go up to 14 lbs, where Huggies 2s start at 12 lbs. You live and learn!
Routine: Mazy usually wakes up around 7:30 or 8:00am for the day. I feed her, play with her for an hour and 15 minutes or so (with LOTS of smiles), and then she typically goes down for a nap. Mazy’s naps vary quite a bit in length, but on average she will take an hour nap. I try to keep her sleeping until her next feeding, but that doesn’t always work. I find that when the nap schedule is off, by night time, she has about had it! So I try to keep her sleeping when I can! I sometimes will give her a bath before she goes back down for her first nap around 9:00am. She still LOVES her baths! I can lay her on the bathroom floor with the water running, and I think she knows exactly what that means because she is one happy camper! We typically go on a walk (if it’s nice out) around noon. Otherwise, during her awake times, we just play with her toys and talk to her. She is becoming quite the jabber box, so I try to take full advantage of that everyday! By nighttime, she will sometimes sleep at random times, but usually by about 9 she will get a second wind and that is when we feed her her last bottle for the night. Sometimes she will go right to sleep, where other times we may have to rock her for a bit. Just depends on the day. Otherwise she will typically sleep through the night til 3:30am! She typically naps in her bouncy seat and sleeps at night in her crib.
Milestones and Activities: Mazy LOVES to coo and smile! She started to really talk and smile constantly at weeks 8 and 9. At week 8 she learned to turn her head back and forth, which became a game when trying to feed! Mazy found your hands at about week 7 and 8. Sometimes she will just stare at her wrist and hand for awhile, wondering where in the world it probably came from! She can also follow objects with your eyes. At week 8, we switched her over to her crib for nighttime sleep and she slept like a charm! Mazy loves it when people talk to her, so I try to talk to her whenever I can – she typically will coo back! She enjoys laying on her back, having her legs played with, and having her body massaged from head to toe. She could stare at the curtains in her bedroom for 20 minutes at a time – all I hear is her talking to them! Mazy sometimes enjoys a book being read to her and her playmat, well, she could take or leave that! Really your daily activities consist of eating, playing for a bit, then sleeping. We have your activities and routine down, for the most part!
Other Things to Remember:
- Mazy is SO proud when she kicks and plays in the bathtub! Her face is priceless!
- She definitely lets us know when she is not happy, but we are pretty much able to decode what each cry means.
- She has a little mullet for hair, but it’s cute, and her eyelashes are getting LONG!
- She doesn’t like it when you sneeze or cough – it scares her
- Anyone who talks to her is her best friend
- Her favorite toys are her Lamaze doll (she lights up everytime she see it), her squeaker giraffe, rattle, taggy blanket, and Oball ball.
Mazy girl, we sometimes still can’t believe you are here! I can’t wait to wake up to you every morning and pick you up out of your crib! Those dazed eyes turn into a big smile eventually! What a fun little personality you are getting! We praise and thank God for allowing us to be your mommy and daddy!