3 Weeks Old!

Oh is it good to be a family of 3 again! Dan had a wonderful time in Haiti (will try and share some pictures sometime)! It’s typical for him to get sick after a mission trip and this one wasn’t any different, so he was feeling ill for a few days, but he is feeling…
Some of you may have already seen this picture on facebook and instagram, but I couldn’t help but share it again. To me, the words on her shirt “Who needs a prince? (I have daddy)” is a saying that goes so much deeper than just words on a shirt. When Dan and I have talked…
This past week was basically birthday week, all week! Words can’t express how much fun we had celebrating this little girl! We tried to keep things simple because that is who we are! Unfortunately Mazy had a bit of a rough week. She seemed off beginning Monday night when she didn’t want to sleep. We…
Christmas is my favorite holiday because it reminds of the miracle that Christ’s birth is, but also the life-saving gift of salvation. This Christmas, of course is a bit more special because we were able to experience the physical birth of our own earthly child. This past week was a bit busy, but all in…
What a beautiful week we had in Minnesota last week! We spent as much time outside as we could, knowing that snow is about 2 months away. We feel like this week we were able to get back in the groove of things even more, and get back into routine. The beginning of August is…
I am realizing that our weeks tend to look the same, so there are “repetitive events” but there is always a cute picture to be taken (if I think of it). Though it was a bit chilly at times this week, it warmed up to be spring-like weather again! Except of course there were leaves…