Big Boy Legos

In thinking about only having 8 weeks to go, as much as we want this baby to be in our arms, we also want her to stay put for just a little while longer. Pregnancy is such a mix of emotions – the excitement to meet her, but the desire to just keep her safe…
Of course our week in pictures consists of Mazy! Though, I did go back to school this week (school officially starts Monday) and I am glad Dan convinced me last year to stay. I was first thinking I wanted to just stay at home, but back in March, Dan told me that it would be…
The past few days, we have been blessed with having another visitor out to the great lands of Minnesota! One of my college roommates, Stephanie, from Canada, was able to visit for the weekend! We had so much fun catching up, laughing, playing games, and just enjoying the great outdoors! On Saturday, we headed out…
This is an article written by husband for our church’s publication. I couldn’t help but share it with you, knowing that this is such a prevalent issue in today’s culture. Do you struggle with finding a balance of how much time to spend on your cell phone? This might make you think twice the next…
Well, summer was back this week in Michigan, so we tried to spend as much time as we could outside! This week marked celebrating my mom’s birthday, Maggie’s 1st birthday (it was a BIG deal in Mazy’s book), ending Mazy’s first soccer season, visiting friends, and celebrating all things fall! Here’s what we’ve been up…
As you may have read in my previous post, Dan’s Uncle Dave had passed away this past weekend. We did not want to miss the visitation or funeral, so we decided to head home Saturday morning. Our trip home became a little more than what we expected, but right when we think we are getting…