How To Make Your Own Pea Trellis

Goal: Expand my crafting skills One thing I REALLY wanted to work on during this down time in our life, was my crocheting skills. I started to crochet baby blankets when I had two friends have babies. That love continued to grow and I decided to just keep making them. Crocheting is something I just…
A dreaded space to even look at, at times, isn’t it? For some, parking in their garage is not an option because they have boxes and boxes of STUFF, filling every nook and cranny. Trying to find a certain item, is a hopeless cause – it just isn’t going to happen. Walking into the garage,…
What: Tools Why: This may be more for the men and their man cave, but tools are still part of the house and garage, making it something we need to organize and live with less of. Are you ever working on a project and can’t find that one wrench, so you tear apart your whole…
Being a blogger, I have the privilege of “meeting” (rarely face to face), readers and others who are striving to live their lives with less, while making what they have, work. Mary, an incredible woman who has already inspired me in many ways, shared this simple of idea of how to add lighting into your…
Our house is about 100 years old. It was built in the 1920s all of the character it wears, made us fall in love with it, even though we had yet to see it. You see, we were living in Minnesota when we saw this house pop up on the hot market in 2017. Moving…
What: Long-sleeved shirts Why: Sleeves hanging off the edge. Shirts shoved so far back in the drawer you can’t even see them. Too many to choose from that you can’t even see to the bottom of the drawer. Filing through shirts that don’t even fit you anymore. Do you find yourself fitting into any of…