Saving Money Series: Part 3

How you doing? Have you thought of other ways to save money? I would love to hear them! What is your go-to method to make sure you are spending less than what you take in? Hopefully these ideas will spur you on to save even MORE!
1. Wash your clothes in cold water. Your washer will not take up all the hot water, that used money to heat up, and your clothes will keep their color better too.
2. Wear extra layers. With the winter months just ahead, it is easy to turn up the thermostat, yet still wear what we wore in the summer. If I can walk around your house in shorts and t-shirt in the winter, your house is too warm. Save money by turning down the temperature and wear extra layers. To sleep at night, consider buying a down comforter, flannel sheets, or a heavy bedspread to keep you warm while the house is cool.
3. Double recipes. When you are making a meal, consider making double of it and freezing the other half. This way when you are nagged with the question “what’s for dinner?” you have an answer. By doubling recipes, this will prevent you from jumping in the car and going out to eat because you will already have a meal made – you just need to heat it up!
4. Walk or ride your bike to your destination. For some, this just isn’t “possible” (I put that in quotations because in other countries, vehicles are not an option – walking is). When able, walk or ride your bike to save on fuel! Plus, it is great exercise!
5. Make a list before you go shopping. This can be applied to either grocery shopping or “everything else” shopping. By making a list AND STICKING TO IT, you will prevent the instant gratification syndrome and buying what you do not need. In the end, this too, will save you money.
6. Have an emergency fund. Financial gurus say you should have a fund that can support you for 3-6 months (should a financial tragedy happen). This prevents you from having to take out a loan (for a car if your car were to suddenly die) or for who knows what else. Being prepared SAVES MONEY.
7. Go to the movies before 6:00pm. I know this hard for some, but if you are really wanting to see a movie, make a point to see it before 6 because you will save dollars and dollars. If your area has this option, go to the discount theater – you may have to wait a week or two for your favorite movie to arrive there, but tickets can be close to half the price (not to mention the popcorn and pop too!)
8. Air dry your clothes. This may mean hanging them outside on the line or even in your own home. There are many gadgets out there (that are quite crafty) that you can hang your clothes on. The dryer can be one of the biggest energy-sucking appliances we have. Think about alternatives!
9. Avoid having to go to the ATM. You may need money quickly and NOW, but a little preparation can prevent you from having to spend sometimes $2-$3 on ATM fees. Prepare your wallet in advance!
10. Unplug. In this technology driven world, it is easy to leave everything plugged in. It is time for bed, you shut your computer, turn off the tv, but forget to turn off the switch. Are your items on a power strip? Turn off the power strip to prevent useless electricity from running your unused items. We may be talking only cents saved at first, but doing this everyday and doing this often, saves energy and your monthly bill will thank you.