Quality vs. Quantity
In a perfect world, I’d sit on our porch, read the Bible for hours, maybe do a personal Bible study, spend lots of time in prayer, and even do some writing or journaling while I’m sitting there too.
Though sometimes it seems as if the minute I sit down, Mazy wakes up. No matter WHAT hour I get up. How does she KNOW? Then I find it hard to find that time back. And especially QUIET time.
Do you ever find yourself over-complicating devotions? We have this expectation and idea in our head of what it needs to look like, but what if in this season of life, it’s just different? And isn’t different okay?
Psalm 1:1-2 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”
When we allow the Word of God to change us, whether it be with one word or a whole passage, we are blessed. You see, devotions are just for God, they are for us too. Not this health and wealth idea, but when we allow the Scriptures to be a mirror, help us divert away from what we need to, and meditate on HIS words, that’s what God wants.
That may mean focusing on one word throughout the day (meditating day and night). A simple verse. Or an entire book of the Bible. All God wants is for you to meditate on Him, His words, and again, He just wants you. When you’re folding laundry, singing a song in the car with your kids, looking at the beautiful skies and giving Him the glory, or while picking up toys and thanking Him for all He’s given you. And maybe going back to that one word or passage.
He JUST WANTS YOU. Don’t overcomplicate it.