Always Right On Time

Not a minute too early and not a minute too late.
When the Israelites were wandering in the desert for 40 years, God provided manna. Every day. They weren’t to store it up for then it would rot (except on Saturday they could gather a double portion so that they could rest on Sunday). God showed up every single day, provided for their daily needs, not a minute too early and not a minute too late.
I often wonder how I would respond if I were an Israelite waiting for the manna to come every day? Would I worry that God would forget? Would I wonder if He would do it again tomorrow? Would I want to store just a teensy bit more JUST in case there wasn’t enough for tomorrow? As much as the Israelites can get a bad rap for their grumbling and complaining, I have to give them a lot of credit for experiencing what they did. Just imagine?
And yet aren’t our lives somewhat similar? Just different circumstances and different journeys? We don’t have to worry about our tomorrows because we aren’t there yet! But God is. Do you think He has the “manna” ready to give to you tomorrow? You bet He does! Because He provides JUST what we need, RIGHT when we need it.
I can act just like the Israelites and grumble and complain about my circumstances. To be quite frank, I don’t always like them. I like to think I have a better idea for the timeline of my life than God does. And yet I look back at His faithfulness, and boy have I been wrong too many times to count! I think about my diagnosis of leukemia. I was hospitalized for about a week this past April, with my blood draws being completely normal. They wanted to schedule an ablation for mid-June to address my arrhythmia, but my body needed a break and I just felt this nudge that I needed to wait. And if you know Kristin, I typically just want to git ‘er dun. The doctors agreed that it might be good to just let me enjoy the summer, go back on the dreaded med that they are trying to keep me off of, and address my arrhythmia in September.
So September rolls around and I’m on the table, already put out for my ablation. I wake up to a doctor telling me that they did not proceed with the ablation because my blood levels were off and they didn’t deem it safe enough to go through with it. I had my blood drawn a few days prior and the levels were a little low, but my doctor wanted to retest, so they did (I must’ve been out?), and lo and behold, it showed a form of cancer or infection. And after hematology expedited the process, within hours we found out I had leukemia.
This is nothing short of God working in my life, right on time – never too late, and never too early.
I have to remember that as I wait for more treatments, knowing I will feel pretty cruddy afterwards, He will show up never too late and never too early. As the Israelites trusted God with their daily living, I want my life to reflect the same. Even if it’s during a cancer and heart failure journey. Our circumstances shouldn’t sway our confidence and trust in Him. Whether it be manna or whatever you are waiting on God for, His sovereign purposes will always prevail. Never too late and never too early. He is always right on time so that He can carry out HIS plan, to perfection.