A Look Back
2022 has been quite a year. But isn’t every year? Each year brings it’s own joys and challenges. John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Proof that each year there will be trials, but when we take heart, we can find true joy in Him. That has been my personal challenge this year, that amidst the challenges, to continually take heart because we live for so much greater. For Someone greater. HE has overcome the world. Overcome the challenges. Overcome the trials. They will never be forever. And so that’s the hope we continue to hold on to!
This year has also been filled with so much joy! I struggle to type that without crying because as I reflect back on this year, the word that keeps coming back to me is community. Brotherhood. Sisterhood. The body of Christ. A village. Even though my heart failure and leukemia were overwhelming at times, God has used those around us to keep us going. The encouragement we have received from each and every one of you, we can’t thank you enough. I continue to sing the praises of who you all are at the hospital. I’m always asked how my support system is back home because they recognize all of this is a lot, and it never fails, I start tearing up and think of you. I think of all of the support we have been given and through my shaky voice I say, “We have the most incredible support system, we are so blessed.” If only they could meet each of you!
I’m a planner and I used to be a little nervous at the turn of a new year because I never knew what God had planned. Now? I’m so glad I don’t know. I mean I pray that I will be declared in full remission from cancer (it takes a few years to be labeled as cured) and I pray that I won’t need a heart transplant anytime soon. Another heart procedure is probably on the horizon, but I can’t even think about that right now. From one journey to the next! But I don’t know what this coming year holds and it’s so okay with me. I’m learning to just take it a day at a time and God has proven to me, more than ever, that He will give me what I need for each day. Even when given the news of a failed heart ablation and finding leukemia on the same day, God sustained. It was tearful and painful, but I wouldn’t trade God’s presence I felt. He truly gives us our daily bread.
Despite the crazy year, we have been given so many reasons to look back on this year with joy! Here’s a look back…
Enjoying the winter snow:

We visited friends in Minnesota:

Celebrated Mazy’s 7th birthday:

Took a family trip to New Smyrna Beach, Florida:

There is something about the Sterks and water…they always go well together:

Geurink family vacation on Keeler Lake:

Pool time! So many hours spent in the pool this year, even though we had to close it early due to leukemia stepping in…

We planted a garden with my parents at their house, which ended up being very successful! Ended a bit abruptly due to leukemia, but my parents did an amazing job at keeping it up!

Friends visited from Minnesota! Don’t let the weather in this picture fool you, it ended up being rainy and cold the rest of the weekend. We sat in front of a propane heater, under tarps by the pool, making the most of it!

Went to see Dude Perfect at Van Andel Arena:

First day of school – Mazy is now in 2nd grade! I was able to work a few weeks as a paraprofessional before having to take a leave for leukemia treatments. I hope to make it back at some point this year!

Mazy loves soccer and had an amazing season this past fall! Dan FaceTimed me in so that I didn’t have to miss too many games while in the hospital!

I spent 3 initial weeks at the University of Michigan for leukemia treatments and then 1 week a month after for more treatments. It’s been hard on all of us, but these precious times together are ones we will always treasure:

Shields of Hope, a non-profit organization, blessed us with many gifts and love this Christmas season!

Our school has gone above and beyond to bless our family in countless ways. From a fundraiser dinner, to meals provided, support given to Mazy and our family, to groups coming to our home to sing, gifts given, support given through the Joy99 bin, lunches provided, I could go on. I tear up just typing this! We could not be more thankful for the BCS community and love they have shown our family. We truly could not get through this season of life without you.

Dan and Mazy went to a Daddy/Daughter dance:

I was so grateful to be able to celebrate Christmas with family. My numbers were up and I felt good enough to go to all the parties!

I’ll be kicking off the new year with a trip to the hospital for more leukemia treatments, from Tuesday to Saturday. Why not, right? Why not fight the battle right off the get-go? At the end of January, I’m scheduled to talk with my electrophysiologist to discuss what to do with my heart. Leukemia and heart failure sure are an interesting combination, but God has sustained and I’ve made it this far! Two more week-long treatments to go and then we pray my numbers come back in the clear.
We have many things to look forward to this coming year and like I keep telling my doctors, my goal is to make it to all of them. They encourage their patients to have things to look forward to. At first I didn’t understand, but now I do. Of course we live for our Savior and that is our ultimate goal, but there is something to be said about enjoying the blessings He has given us here on this earth. Even though there will be trials and tribulation, God still gives us all the reasons we need to find joy too.
I pray you too, can find joy this coming year. It’s in making that choice to CHOOSE joy, where true joy can be found. What choice are you going to make?
What a beautiful article and heart you have, Kristin! I love these words you wrote “ It’s in making that choice to CHOOSE joy, where true joy can be found”. I’m praying for you!
Even though I knew joy wasn’t about being happy, this past year has taught me that even more, that there is true joy to be found in each day, we just have to keep our eyes open and not assume happiness will bring it. Always learning! Thank you for your prayers, Mollie!
Kristin, I’m so glad that I stumbled upon your blog. I’m wiping away the tears as I write this because I am in awe of the strength and faith you have. I am praying for you and will certainly keep you and your family on my prayer list. I say to my kids every day, “Remember to look for and choose joy throughout your day”. God Bless you:)
I just love how God connects his people! He does it in such unique ways! Thank you for your prayers too, we so appreciate that! We know God hears every one of them and we know they only draw us closer to Him, which is what we desire in all of this. I love what you say to your kiddos too! Such wise words…I might have to implement that myself. Thanks again for reaching out!