When I was diagnosed with cancer in September of 2022, our world was turned upside down. We never in a million years saw that coming. Let alone needing to fight leukemia not once, but twice.
To this day, we, including the doctors, have no idea what caused my leukemia. What I do know is that this was part of God’s perfect plan and he had much to teach me through this journey.
And one of the things my eyes were opened to was what we use in our home and what we put in our bodies. I’m not saying either one caused my cancer, but I have learned that there are things in the products I was using that could cause cancer. Again, I’m not saying one thing is to blame because God’s sovereignty trumps EVERYTHING. But I do know that it matters what I use and what I put in my body.
I was introduced to Truly Free Home, a non-tox company over a year ago. I have since switched over to almost every single one of their products because they actually work and are, get this, AFFORDABLE. There are just a handful of things I don’t use from their entire company – so to say that I use almost everything, it’s true!
With that said, I wanted to share about a deal Truly Free Home has going on right now that is CRAZY GOOD!
You can get $151.40 of SPRING CLEANING ESSENTIALS for just $39!!
If I did my math correctly, that’s $112.40 in SAVINGS! Plus you get a free cleaning caddy!
I wouldn’t share this deal with you if I didn’t think it was worth it, as I use ALL of these products currently, except the degreaser, which is actually on my list to get next with grilling season just around the corner!
This is a FANTASTIC way to get introduced to the joys of Truly Free Home! If you were to buy each of these products individually from the store, you’d be spending WAY more than $39 for toxic products. So with this deal, you essentially get 6 FREE products, plus a caddy. Check it out:

If you want to give Truly Free Home cleaning essentials a try, THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO TRY IT!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks for introducing this company. I believe in buying non toxic products.
I hope you love their products as much as we do, Regina!