A Case of the Mom-Do – Day 10

I must admit, I have never cared about my hair as much as I probably should. You could call me a “pony-tail girl” and I would gladly welcome that title. I would say I have some crazy hair that has been labeled Cruella De Vil hair because one side is blonde and the other side has some very dark undertones, all being natural. The outer portions of my hair are straight, but underneath it all, it is quite curly, all while being very thick. We all wish we had someone else’s hair, right?
All that to say, I have the crazy hair and yes, I should probably care more about it! I usually get my hair cut about once a year, twice if I’m ambitious. I recently had it highlighted for the first time in eons, and I must say, it felt good to finally do “something” with it!
Because I do not spend a whole lotta time on my mop, I do not own very many haircare products. In fact, since having our daughter 15 months ago, I would say I have a case of the mom-do. I wake up, my hair goes up in a bun, and I call it a day! Even though I do not own many haircare products (only hairspray, mousse, and leave-in condition), I still have to be leary about what I allow into our cupboards.
You see, it used to be bad. I used to have these products that I “thought” would help me do my hair more or make my hair what I wanted it to be. The thing is, the hair you have is what you have to deal with. No product I feel can solve all of your hair issues.
What we end up doing is buying into the promise that goes along with the product, hoping our hair looks just as good as the woman’s in the commercial.
Even though I have a case of the mom-do, I am actually okay with it. Some days I blow dry my hair and straighten it, but in the summer, it’s worthless. Those curls come right back and all the time I spent on it, just went to pot. And THAT is why I also have no need to have oodles and oodles of haircare products in our cupboard. No product stands a chance with this hair (or at least I have yet to find one).
What about YOUR cupboards? Are they bursting with hair products? Are they cluttered with products and brushes you never use? Are you stuck on what product to use every morning? Deciding what to use, should not be one of the choices you need to make in an already busy morning.
Whether you have a case of the mom-do and do not need lots of hair products or just have a desire to live with less of them, here are a few ideas on how to declutter your hair products:
Take out all of your hair products
Every single item, like your hair brushes, twisties, bobby pins. Include your straighteners, curling irons and blow dryers, hair care products, everything.
- Do I use this product?
- Why did I buy it in the first place?
- Does it live up to it’s claim?
- Will I ever use it again?
- Do I have more than one straightener, blow dryer, or curling iron?
- Do I use the multiple?
Do you really want this many products to do your hair? What is your most go-to hairstyle? What is needed for it? What if you only kept one of each kind of product in your cupboard?
Bins, containers, or boxes (food storage containers work great) around the house.
Put all of your hair products in one bin. Twisties in another. Keep everything contained!
Think about using fewer products and spending less time in front of the mirror. When you spend that extra 5 minutes in front of the mirror, will anyone notice?
It is easy to let even the amount of hair products in our cupboards, clutter our homes. Think about how much time you spend doing your hair. Think about how many products you own. Are they worth the space they take up and are they worth the amount of time they take to put in and use?
You hit that nail on the head. 🙂 We always sucker for the illusion.
I needed "permission" to forge ahead and dump the products! Thanks for that.
I had to get to that point too, to just get rid of them! Thank you for the comment!