A Day In The Life Of…

It has been an interesting week weather-wise, but that is what’s fun about living in the north! We went from near 60s to teens in a matter of days – oh, and a nasty blizzard. More on that in a bit. This week we will be heading back to Michigan for Thanksgiving, which we are…
Back in October, we had a friend take some family pictures. We even took reinforcement along and brought a friend who Mazy just adores to make her smile, but I have to say, that didn’t impress Mazy! The first session did not go well so we decided to try a few hours later. This is…
It had been 3 years. Three years too long, since I had been at the big house. Living in Minnesota especially, I wasn’t sure when the next time I would make it back to the Big House, but when Dan told me he really wanted to get back for his annual fishing trip with friends,…
We have survived a week without her wubs! Last week I had cut the paci off and ever since, she has said it’s “broke, sad.” It was a rough first couple of days, nights, and naptime, but now she only asks about wubs about once a day. We have also been working on getting her…
After a crazy week last week with the fundraiser dinner, we were looking forward to a quieter week, and that it was, even though it absolutely flew! Dan and I were sitting at the dinner table and said, “How did it get to be Thursday night?” I had a speaking engagement this past Wednesday at…
Merry Christmas! It is the day of Christmas – a day of celebration! Do you feel ready? Are you feeling like you can enjoy the day? Are you able to take a deep breath? Christmas is the holiday that I look most forward to! Why? Because Christmas reminds me of why I live – through…