A Fresh Beginning

Fresh beginnings.
Just think about those 2 words. How do they make you feel? Refreshed? Do they make you want to start a new chapter in life? Start a new project? Maybe even just take a deep breath?
That is one thing I love about entering a new year. The thought of FRESH BEGINNINGS.
Imagine if we did not have a new year to think about. That the same year just continued and continued. How would that make you feel? In a way, I feel like time would just drag. I think there is something to be said about starting a new year. Starting fresh. Starting new.
So what does your “new” year look like? You probably have seen and heard 100s of ads regarding this concept, but how many times have you acted on it? Have you taken time to think about how you would like to start “new” this year? In what areas of your life?
As a blogger, the ideas of wanting to have “fresh beginnings” is very much alive for me as well! When I think about what I want to do as a blogger, one thing that I am still passionate about is helping my readers declutter and live their lives with less. That is why I want to start a new series called “52 Places In 52 Weeks”.
Why another organizing challenge? Well, when I first started this blog, the root behind my first few months of posting was my 100 Days of Less series. As I thought about rewriting that series, I thought maybe it would be easier to do WEEKS instead of DAYS. Let’s be honest, sometimes a day just does not go as planned, so taking one day to organize a whole area, really isn’t even feasible. And how I live my life is not necessarily how you are to live yours. Do I think there is a right and wrong way to live? Well, everyone’s life situations are different. What I DO think is that we all have a desirable way to live – a certain way we’d like to live and a certain way we want our lives to look. Achieving those goals IS possible and often, it’s a more SIMPLE life that is desired.
So what does that look like? I can only give suggestions. I can only talk from personal experience and from helping others try and live a more simplified and organized life. What I want to do is help others live their “desired” life and help them achieve those dreams! Hence the 52 Places In 52 Weeks Challenge. What this is going to look like is I am going to be taking 52 different areas of your home or items, and talk about how to declutter, organize, and live with less in that space or live with less of that item. This will include your bathroom, books, Christmas decor, shoes, and even your trash/recycling. Each week I will introduce a new area to work on. So here’s to a year’s worth of organizing and think of it, by the time you are done with this series, you are going to have one ORGANIZED, SIMPLIFIED, and DECLUTTERED home!
Now doesn’t THAT sound like a fresh beginning?
Sounds great Kristin, looking forward to it :o)
Thank you 🙂
Bring it on 🙂