A New Way Of Studying Scripture – The TEXT Bible!

Have you been looking for a Bible for students that doesn’t talk down to them and teaches who God is,
how to engage with Scripture, and how to have a personal relationship with him? The new TEXT Bible offers just that! It is ideal for teens, young adults, new believers, and anyone who doesn’t feel confident engaging Scripture on their own. The NET translation is very close to the NIV translation, if that is what you are more used to.
The TEXT introduces the new and memorable TEXT study method—Talk to God; Encounter God and humanity in Scripture; eXamine your heart; Talk to others—to help readers of every experience level interact with God’s message. Along with this easy-to-use Bible engagement technique, answers to com-
mon questions, prayer prompts, and easy-to-understand study tips, The TEXT is a Bible readers of any experience level, will want to use every day.
Some of the features it includes are…
- Big Q of the Text: big life questions with short answers

- “Who is God?”: nearly 100 short devotions on the person and character of God

- Praying the Text: Learn how to start praying God’s Word right back to him!
- Get to Know the Text: brief explanations of people and events found in Scripture.

- Follow the Thread: navigate the Bible across topics
- Anatomy of the Text: concise descriptions of literary devices and categories of Scripture found within the Bible, such as parables and apocalyptic books

- Terms of the Text: brief definitions of important words to help us better understand and discuss Scripture.

- Detailed book descriptions:

This Bible puts simply, some of the harder parts to understand. God does want to speak to us through His word, but often we turn to other avenues to find truth, like social media, culture, etc. This Bible is an excellent resource for those who want to dig deeper into God’s Word, with an easy-to-follow format. From the text threads to the terms that are defined, to the anatomy of the text, you’ll find this is a great way to study the Bible. The Who Is God part is what I enjoy the most!
Right now, you can get 50% off your copy of The NET TEXT Bible if you order before Valentine’s Day!
Also, one of my readers can WIN THEIR OWN COPY OF THE TEXT BIBLE! Giveaway will END on Friday, January 13, 2023.
(NOTE: Giveaway is limited to U.S. winners only).
Many thanks to Harper Collins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.