A Yearly Tradition

Last year’s Halloween was sure one for the books, but this year was a different story! This year we were able to start some traditions of our own, since this is really the “first” Halloween spent back in Michigan. What a FUN day it was. Mazy was looking so forward to dressing up in her…
This past week, even though it rained a decent amount, we still found pockets of time to be outside and just enjoy the beauty of God’s world! Every day, we try to take a walk downtown Zeeland to look for painted rocks or whatever else we can find. On this particular day, we found an…
Next week Mazy will be 11 months old! Wowzas! Love this girl more and more each day! It has been quite cold this week, so that means no walks for us, which has been a bit disappointing, but it is February in Minnesota! Hopefully we will be able to get outside again soon – otherwise…
This is an article written by husband for our church’s publication. I couldn’t help but share it with you, knowing that this is such a prevalent issue in today’s culture. Do you struggle with finding a balance of how much time to spend on your cell phone? This might make you think twice the next…
Still enjoying the fall weather here in MN! I think it was 2 years ago we had a 1 1/2 feet of snow I think by now, so we will take this 50-60 degree weather! Mazy got her first cold of the season, but she has slept like a champ at night! Naps, well, that’s…
We have survived a week without her wubs! Last week I had cut the paci off and ever since, she has said it’s “broke, sad.” It was a rough first couple of days, nights, and naptime, but now she only asks about wubs about once a day. We have also been working on getting her…