Alaska Mission Trip: Part 3
This is my final entry of pictures! I just can’t help but share pictures of the beauty that God has created for us, His children!
At Eaglecrest, the Matanuska River divides the camp from the mountains and as you can see, it is quite the sight to see. This was our view while doing our devotions every morning:

We met the brother of someone who went to our church back home, who ran an aviation ministry from his home in Alaska, that just so happened to be about 15 minutes from us! He generously offered his time to take our group up in his bush plane, so that we could see the vastness of the Matanuska Glacier:

Due to the wildfires, the sun often had a red glow to it:

I couldn’t WAIT to go!

The beginning of the glacier that was 27 miles long and 4 miles wide. What’s mind-boggling is that it took 100,000 feet of snow to make 1,000 feet of ice – just imagine that! It also is moving 12 inches every 24 hours!

Check out the lake that sits atop these hills!

A ride of a lifetime:

Some more scenery around Alaska – doesn’t this just scream Alaska?

One afternoon we went on a hike up Thunderbird Falls:

And I couldn’t help but share this. On the way back from our worksite, this little café was the most well-rounded café I think I’ve seen! You can get a perspective of the size of this café by looking at the vehicle parked in front of it. This café was also a lodge, a laundromat, had movie rentals, snacks, drinks, ice cream in the freezer to scoop, and many knick knacks as well. I give them a lot of credit for making the most of their business – one thing I think Alaskans do so well! They are incredibly resourceful, which is something I definitely learned from them!

Even though I had been to Alaska before via a mission trip, it still humbled my heart to realize the beauty that God has created for us and for His glory! And how easily I let the mundane and the simple beauty of His creation, slip by me day after day. I am all about being and playing outside – but even then, I can take the beauty of God’s creation for granted. It has really made me take a step back and think about my priorities, what I focus on, and how I want to raise Mazy. I look forward to continuing to share what God put on my heart while in Alaska. Thanks for following along…