Around The Home
This past week has been quite busy as we have had the opportunity to help with the Minnesota West SERVE at a local CRC. We have always had a passion for SERVE because I had gone to 3 when I was in high school (2 at the Benton Harbor/St. Joseph SERVE that Dan’s dad ran…
Can the anticipation get any greater?? Our baby girl has officially dropped, which means we are just THAT much closer to meeting her! On Tuesday, I did not feel very good and even thought for 2 seconds that maybe “it was time.” I was sore and had a contraction or 2, but by the time…
Well, summer was back this week in Michigan, so we tried to spend as much time as we could outside! This week marked celebrating my mom’s birthday, Maggie’s 1st birthday (it was a BIG deal in Mazy’s book), ending Mazy’s first soccer season, visiting friends, and celebrating all things fall! Here’s what we’ve been up…
Much of this past week was spent preparing for the garage sale that I had with a friend this weekend, but also just enjoying sweet Mazy of course! Did I mention how crazy funny she is these days? Never fails to entertain us! At Open Rock on Monday, Matt taught her to hoola hoop! She…
Since Mazy has been born, we have tried to establish our own little tradition for Christmas, but not being home, we haven’t been sure how to do that. We have not been at our own home for Christmas since we have moved out to Minnesota. We knew we wanted to get Mazy SOMETHING for Christmas,…
If you have been following my book journey, this past week I finally revealed the cover AND a relative time when it will be released (mid-June)! I am in awe of the fact that the book has come this far, though God has ordained everything just so, for such a time as this. This next…