Around The Home
This is the difference one month makes! Comparison of Week 12 and Week 16! So what does pregnancy look like right now for Kristin? Well, it looks like I am pregnant that is for sure! The precious students at the school I work at, are starting to ask questions, ask their parents, and I have…
Painting, painting, painting! That’s what our week has consisted of, but we wouldn’t want it any other way! We are pleased with how far we have gotten, especially since our goal was to have our house painted by this summer, which we consider to be around June 1. We are not finished, but are quite…
What a week! After 2 1/2 months, Mazy has finally been cleared of an ear infection and is no longer on any antibiotics. This sweet girl has sure been a tough cookie, especially since her first year molars are coming in as well! We were referred to an ENT for Mazy’s ears and at that…
Summer is almost here! Summer is a season that many of us look forward to (at least in the north after a LONG winter!) Summer not only means warmer temperatures, but it can also mean more activities, more opportunities, and in the end, more spending. It is easy to look at summer as a break…
The end of another year. 2019. When I was a kid, I used to think about what my life would look like when I was 15, 20, 30, etc. Here I now sit, at the ripe ole age of 36, trying to remember in detail, what I envisioned my life looking like. I’d like to…
This is what our past week looked like… A tiring day! She still gives us her “pouty” face which makes us laugh! I just can’t get enough of those eyes! So proud, though I think it’ll be a little bit before she starts walking on her own She loves watching her dad snowblow! I…