Around The Home
Think about that one time. That one time your baby fell asleep in your arms. (This blog post is being written with my daughter fast asleep in my arms, as I grasp the memory of this moment). That one time she may have spit up all over your clothes, but you didn’t have time to…
For about the past 5 years, I have been using a DIY makeup remover, that still to this day, I absolutely LOVE. It is all-natural, uses all oils (strange, I know, if you want to CLEAN your face), but if using a product for 5 years says anything, I think it’s worth a try! My…
Living in Minnesota is quite an adventure! Much like in Michigan, you never know what the weather is going to be like! We knew this week was supposed to bring yet another snow storm – well, the weatherman was actually right. We are supposed to get another 5-8 inches of snow while being under a…
This past week was basically birthday week, all week! Words can’t express how much fun we had celebrating this little girl! We tried to keep things simple because that is who we are! Unfortunately Mazy had a bit of a rough week. She seemed off beginning Monday night when she didn’t want to sleep. We…
With Cyber Monday HERE, I wanted to share with you my favorite toy deals! These are all items that Mazy has proven to be tried and true! The puffy stickers? GREAT church item! They also come with different scenes. Magnetic tiles? Absolutely a creative activity every time. The card games? Slap jack is her favorite!…
This past week has been one of recovery and as of Friday, I have had all restrictions lifted, pending pain! Of course that makes me want to do everything I couldn’t do in the past, but they were right – pain will let me know when I can’t do something. It’ll be slow, but good….