Around The Home

This week was quite an exciting week in our household because Mazy could finally go back to school! Our covid quarantine was definitely the hardest for our daughter Mazy, who never got sick (just had the sniffles for a day), but had to miss out on school for a few weeks. But in good ole…
I feel like fall has officially arrived in Minnesota with temperatures in the 70s and night time temps in the low 50s. Welcome fall, welcome. As much as a good freeze would take away all of those pesky mosquitoes, I know that a freeze would not be good for the crops, so I hope it…
Painting, painting, painting! That’s what our week has consisted of, but we wouldn’t want it any other way! We are pleased with how far we have gotten, especially since our goal was to have our house painted by this summer, which we consider to be around June 1. We are not finished, but are quite…
Just looking at the sheer number of pictures I took this week, I’d say it was an eventful week here at the Sterks, but in reality, it was actually pretty laid back and such a fun week. Here’s what our week looked like in pictures: Hard to believe that a week ago, this is what…
It surely has been a long time since I have last updated this, but I suppose that means a lot has been going on since last time. Since the last update was before Christmas, I will start off by saying our Christmas time was truly blessed. What a blessing family is. We were able to…
Just another pretty normal week at the Sterks! Mazy has learned to turn around in a circle while sitting on her bottom, so maybe she will end up scooting across the floor instead of crawling! Her vocab is also becoming quite extensive, even though we aren’t always sure what she is saying! I recently taught…