Around The Home
Last Wednesday, Dan and I flew out to Jacksonville, Florida, for Lauren Vriezema’s wedding. This was a trip that we were looking SO forward to because those who know us, know how close we are with the Vriezema family. We have a special bond with each member of their family and Brenda even carried our…
Every week just gets easier and easier! This week, Mazy has slept extremely well! She is napping for an hour or 2 at a time, where before it was only around 30 minutes each time. That was rough because I knew she wasn’t getting adequate rest! Also, at night, we are putting her down around…
What a week! After 2 1/2 months, Mazy has finally been cleared of an ear infection and is no longer on any antibiotics. This sweet girl has sure been a tough cookie, especially since her first year molars are coming in as well! We were referred to an ENT for Mazy’s ears and at that…
A little behind on pictures here over on the blog! It’s been a busy season of life with birthdays, youth group events/dinners, colds, heart issues and appointments, and all the things of life, but we sure are looking forward to Spring Break! It’ll be a welcomed step away from the normal routine of life. The…
Hard to believe it is July already! With the summer flying by, it has made me think about all of the good things going on in our life… 1. We are so looking forward to our mission trip this coming week! Some may think that the only reason we are looking forward to it is because…
Think about that one time. That one time your baby fell asleep in your arms. (This blog post is being written with my daughter fast asleep in my arms, as I grasp the memory of this moment). That one time she may have spit up all over your clothes, but you didn’t have time to…