Around The Home

A little update on our life again… 1. Is it really November? Wow! We haven’t even had a snowstorm yet! I know, many of you are saying “sshhh…” but in a way, if it’s going to be cold, I’d rather just have it snow. Honestly though, it hasn’t been ridiculously cold. In fact, today it…
I remember thinking when Mazy was just a few months old, how one day we would be celebrating her first birthday. That day has finally come.I have to say that I am not emotional in the sense of wishing the past year went by slower…
This post has been a long time in coming! It seems like decades ago that we packed up our home in Minnesota and made the trek to Michigan, but really, it was only 2 days ago! I can’t help but start this post by saying that God has once again, been so gracious to us!…
This past week in our area was Tulip Time, where there is a huge festival, for a whole week, celebrating the Dutch heritage in Holland, Michigan. My husband and I are both Dutch, so being able to step into a past-time of mine and embrace our roots, was so fun to do as a family….
This is a weekly post that I want to get better at writing! I find myself just posting pictures of Mazy everytime, but at the same time, life with a 9 month old, well, that is what we love about our life! Mazy is so full of personality and spunk (if that would be the…
So I get this text from my husband: So I was washing dishes and Mazy was playing in the living room. All of a sudden I realized she was being awfully quiet. I looked over there and she was coloring on the couch with an ink pen!!! I think I got most of it off…