Around the Home
The pictures below are the reason I look so forward to summer! Although, I did not take any pictures of us at the pool because we were too busy having fun!
Early in the week, we went blueberry picking with some friends. It was a gorgeous morning for it and about halfway through, Mazy and her friend got a little sick of it, so they sat under a tree with their little buckets, eating their blueberries, catching up on life. I should’ve snapped a picture of it!

You get the blueberry, girl!

One day a bird decided to jump into our pool, all on it’s own. Dan thankfully saw it do this, so he tried to quickly scoop it out, but unfortunately its wings got quite wet. Once Dan got it out, it hopped into our garage, and after spending some time in that cell, the bird decided to free itself. Well, it couldn’t fly, so Mazy made what she called a “cage” for it with stones, and nursed it back to health by giving it pep talks and rubbing it’s back. What she doesn’t know, is that when we came back from our walk, it was gone! So we celebrated, but little did we know, it died just a few feet over from where it was. Though the excitement on her face, after she realized she thought it “flew away,” was just priceless! She will be a nurse or a vet someday!

So proud!

While at Grandma’s house, her and grandma found a baby snapper turtle!

On Wednesday, we had the final game for our church’s softball little league, and after the game, Mazy loves to run the bases!

One of my most favorite things to do with Mazy is to play games. I absolutely LOVE playing games, and thankfully Mazy is following suit! We had just a few games, like Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Trouble, Sequence for Kids, and a few card games, but we needed more variety. So, Mazy and I headed to some thrift stores to see if we could find some new-to-us games. And as you can see, we found some CLASSICS and Mazy absolutely LOVES them! We also found Hi-Ho Cherry-O and Pretty Pretty Princess!
Here we are playing Cooties…

One of my favorite games is Sequence and I even found this for $2!

My thrift store sidekick!

Heading to the hospital today to be put on a new medication! If you get a chance, pray that it will be helpful and successful. I am eager to get my heart’s rhythm under control once again. I will try and share an update as soon as I get a chance. Thank you for walking the journey with us!