Around the Home
Here’s what’s been going on this past week!
It was mighty windy this week, so we knew the waves of Lake Michigan were going to be some rollers! Made it out there and thought Mazy was going to blow away! She was a trooper, that’s for sure!

Friday night we went to the Horizon Complex for an open gym, where Mazy had a free pass from the library, to go to. Mazy had so much fun being a little gymnast and testing her bravery! Brings back a whole lotta memories when my sister and I did gymntastics 24/7! Hello, Shannon Miller? Dominique Dawes? Those were the days…

She’s a natural, though I’m pretty certain she will be too tall one day…

While at a high school football game, when you get bored, why not roll down the hill? And indeed, she got absolutely filthy, but she’s only a kid once, right? And the good ole alumni, Unity Christian, was sure fun to watch!

Mazy wanted to take a picture of the dog we are dogsitting…can’t fault her for effort!

My adorable dinner date…

Her expressions just get me! And this was an epic fail mom moment…went to a restaurant where we had a little left on a gift card to cover 2 people, and who forgot the gift card? Yup, that’d be me…

While Daddy is gone hunting, we party at the mall on the carousel!

This week will be a bit crazy, especially since I have 2 appointments in Ann Arbor, on 2 different days, but it’ll be good to keep taking steps forward! Mazy can’t wait to dress up as Elsa for Halloween too…should be such a fun day! When we couldn’t have a kiddo, I grieved not being able to watch a child dress up, and now we have a girl who LOVES to dress up! Something so simple, but something we don’t take for granted!