Around The Home
Summer days with no school are in the past, but we sure do love routine too. Summer is hardly over though…plenty days on the calendar left, along with the hope that we can keep the pool open until October! Since school has now started, here are the events leading right up to it:
At the end of July, Dan went on a mission trip with our youth group kids to West Virginia. Mazy and I stayed PLENTY busy while daddy was gone, but we sure were excited for him to come home! Mazy even made a sign, waited for him on the sidewalk, and cheered as they drove in:

A few days later, we went on my family’s “family vacay”. It’s always a trip we look forward to and always a trip that goes way too fast. Here are some of the highlights (though I could do a whole gallery of pictures):

Rain? No problem! Umbrellas are wonderful and so is waiting it out, outside:

Mazy and I made it to Dutch Village once again; it just never gets old:

Our dear friends from Minnesota came and visited for a long weekend! We were looking SO forward to it and the first 2 days were just gorgeous, and well, the last half was the coldest it had been since probably the beginning of June. Oh well, we made the most of it!

Rain, wind, and cold weather didn’t stop us from hanging out by the pool. We lined up 3 large umbrellas, brought a propane heater and a propane fireplace out, put up tarps, huddled under blankets, and had the best time:

Mazy has officially started school once again! I also have been able to head back to work as a parapro, which has been such a gift! What an amazing first week Mazy had too. What an answer to prayer!

I am 2 weeks into my amiodarone wash, and so far, I’m doing okay. I am starting to feel more extra beats, but I am halfway! Each day that passes and I can do most of my daily activities, brings so much gratitude. Even though I know I will get sicker, every day is filled with fight and determination to make it to September 13, when I have to go to the hospital. If I don’t make it until then, it wasn’t without effort, but we are just praying that everything goes as planned. Such a strange time of life, but we know this too, is all part of God’s plan for my life, so trying to just take it one day at a time.