Around the Home
It’s been a bit since I’ve done one of these posts! So much of our life revolves around cancer, but there is a life going on outside of it too. As much as cancer has controlled our lives since September, we do see an end in sight. The blood draws and appointments will still happen, but after I recover from this round, I can work on gaining my strength and endurance back. It’ll be a long road, but one I’m ready for. Next step in the journey.
Mazy did a rec gymnastics class and the biggest takeaway she had was that she realized she doesn’t love it like she used to. We are glad she is recognizing this in life and a great lesson learned! She will always be cartwheeling around, but that is good enough for her. The rest she’ll leave to the pros.

Dan and Mazy working on her GEMS pinewood derby car. So fun to listen and watch them do it together!

This was the best card to receive after coming home from chemo treatments! She has such a big heart.

A week after getting home, we walked around a local park together in the SUN. The sun is not a common occurrence in Michigan in the winter, so we were delighted to spend some time in it.

Love taking little hikes with this girl, even if they were a little slow (because of me). I have a lot of strength that I need to gain back, but these walks sure do help!

The 7th graders from our school stopped by to sing a few songs and what a gift it was! To think I’ll soon be roaming those halls again, gets me so geeked. I am READY.

The recovery from chemo has been a doozy this time around. Why not go out with a bang, right? I started Monday off with a platelet transfusion, which I needed desperately. They were at 1 (normal range is between 130-400). Needless to say, I had bloody gums and a bloody nose because I had basically no clotting factor. I have to be extra careful when I drive because if I were to get in an accident, I would bleed out. I also can’t fall or do anything crazy because it wouldn’t be worth the repercussions.
On Tuesday, my hemoglobin was only 6.6 (normal is between 12-16), which would explain why I felt weak, tired, looked so pale, bones hurt and my muscles were sore. My mouth was incredibly sore and and this explained why! My body didn’t have the appropriate amount of oxygen in the blood, so I received 2 bags of red blood cells. I spent about 8 hours at the clinic receiving those 2 bags. The next morning, Mazy looked at me and said, “Mom, you look HOT!” She meant in temperature because I had rosy cheeks again and I looked warm to her. I must have looked pale for far too long for her to even notice a difference!
Wednesday I woke up and my gums and nose wouldn’t stop bleeding. I was scheduled for 2 bags of platelets on Thursday, but due to active bleeding, they suggested I go to the ER. I needed them pronto and that was the only way to get them quickly. So I spent 6 hours in the ER, waiting to get the platelets and then receiving them. I was getting to my wits end!
My infection-fighting numbers are still low, but I’m hoping on Friday they show significant improvement. It’s been a long and tiring week, waiting for the last round to work through my body. I’m not sure how many more transfusions my body can take (my arms are a mess), but one day at a time.
This week also taught me to be grateful amidst the hard in life. I received so many blood products this week and they were needed. So thankful for those who take time out of their life to give life!

I am so far from being a perfect parent and Mazy’s note is a testament to that. I couldn’t help but share this because she reminds me that even when I mess up or even when I can’t be there for her because I’m in the hospital or at the doctor’s office, she still sees me differently than I see myself. I see myself as constantly falling short, but she sees me in a different light. A note I will have to keep going back to because I’ll mess up again, that’s for sure!

The daffodils are a bit confused with our mid-50 degree weather and our snow. They thought they’d make an appearance, just to see what we thought…and well, I think spring is coming!

I am hoping to enjoy freedom soon! Hopefully those counts jump right up and hopefully there will be no turning back! Thank you for praying us through this journey!
Prayers continue for your healing.What a sweet girl you have.
Thank you for your continued prayers, Barb! We really appreciate them!